Mental Health In Tech

Supervisor & Coworker

In the dashboard below we explore how employers offering mental health benefits or formally discussing mental health affect how comfortable employees are about discussing mental health issues with their direct supervisor and their coworkers.

How To Use The Viz:

You will be able to interact with the visualization by clicking each response on questions from the left side (Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? And has your employer ever formally discussed mental health?) and see how that response affected the response on questions around feeling comfortable discussing mental health issues with direct supervisors and coworkers. Additionally, you will be able to click through the gender distribution and age ranges on the bottom of the dashboard to see how each group answered each questions visualized.

Quick Facts:
  • The majority of subjects who responded yes to question on employer providing mental health benefits as part of their coverage also felt comfortable with discussing mental health issues with their supervisor.
  • Most survey respondents feel more comfortable discussing mental health issues with direct supervisors than co-workers.
  • Amongst female respondents, 34% answered yes to feeling comfortable discussing mental health issues with direct supervisors, 33% answered no, and 33% answered maybe.